Help To Humanity is a benevolent organisation for children and aged who do not have the wherewithal for their own treatment. With a group of people having the willingness to make a difference we started this organisation in 2018. We strive to help the ill-fated begin a life that they would actually live and not survive. In this endeavour we’ve had help, a lot of help from many of us who do see and notice this dark part of this nation and want to change it. By helping these elderly and kids, by helping these children who aren’t fortunate enough to get quality education but don’t have any less capacity of learning, by helping them build a new better life for themselves, aren’t we building a better nation? We feed them, give them clothes to wear, books to read, teachers who teach, help them with all we can do and we need more hands in this, because right now we are sustained at this pace and to make it better or to rectify the condition further, we need more people to stand with us, we need more hands, so that when we extend our hands, it would be enough to embrace the nation. So this is us and what we are on a path to achieve is not too far. We’ve fed thousands and hundreds have been treated with fatal diseases and believe it or not but one smile on their faces pays for it all.